Spareribs Manneke Rotterdam

0 Мнения


  • Veal spareribs 500 grams menu

    Tender slow-cooked veal spare ribs 500 grams with a choice of sweet, BBQ or spicy including fries

    € 39,99

  • Veal spareribs 1000 grams menu

    Tender slow-cooked veal spare ribs 1000 grams with a choice of sweet, BBQ or spicy including fries

    € 74,99

  • Veal spareribs 1500 grams menu

    Tender slow-cooked veal spare ribs 1500 grams with a choice of sweet, BBQ or spicy including fries

    € 99,99


  • Spicy chicken tenders burger

    A spicy chicken tender burger on a fresh sandwich with ingredients of your choice

    € 8,25

  • Crispy filet burger hot and spicy

    A crispy fillet hot and spicy burger on a fresh sandwich with ingredients of your choice

    € 8,25

  • Crunchy filet burger hot and spicy

    A crunchy fillet hot and spicy burger on a fresh sandwich with ingredients of your choice

    € 8,25

  • Beefburger 180 gram

    A fresh beef burger of 180 grams on a fresh sandwich with ingredients of your choice

    € 11,00

  • Double beefburger 180 gram

    Two fresh beef burger of 180 grams on a fresh sandwich with ingredients of your choice

    € 18,70

  • Tripple beefburger 180 gram

    Three fresh beef burger of 180 grams on a fresh sandwich with ingredients of your choice

    € 22,55


  • Hotwings 6 pieces

    € 8,99

  • Chicken bites 6 pieces

    € 7,99

  • Chicken nuggets 6 pieces

    € 7,99

  • Chicken strips 4 pieces

    € 8,99

  • Chili cheese nuggets 6 pieces

    € 7,99

  • Onion rings 6 pieces

    € 7,99

  • Mozzarella sticks 5 pieces

    € 7,99

  • Combo chicken box

    3 hot wings, 3 chicken bites, 2 chicken strips and 3 chicken nuggets

    € 18,25

  • Party chicken box

    6 hot wings, 4 chicken strips, 6 chicken bites and 6 chicken nuggets

    € 27,50

  • Baguette herb butter

    € 5,99


  • Garlic sauce

    € 1,20

  • Sambal

    € 1,20

  • Chili sauce

    € 1,20

  • BBQ sauce

    € 1,20

  • Mayonnaise

    € 1,20

  • Ketchup

    € 1,20

  • Samurai sauce

    € 1,20

  • Andalouse sauce

    € 1,20

  • Joppie sauce

    € 1,20


  • Cheesecake Snickers

    Homemade cheesecake Snickers richly filled with caramel, peanuts, chocolate and snickers

    € 9,00

  • Cheesecake Kinder Bueno

    Homemade cheesecake with Kinder Bueno

    € 9,00

  • Cheesecake Raffaello

    Homemade cheesecake with Raffaello and coconut

    € 9,00

  • Cheesecake box

    3 different types of homemade cheesecakes

    € 25,49


  • Coca-Cola 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Coca-Cola zero sugar 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Fanta Orange 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Fanta Cassis 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Fanta Exotic 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Fernandes Cherry Bouquet 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Fernandes Green Punch 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Fernandes Red Grape 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Fernandes Super Pineapple 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Cream soda 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Sprite lemon-lime 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Lipton ice tea green 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Lipton ice tea peach 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Lipton ice tea sparkling 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Spa still water 500ml

    € 3,20

  • Fristi 250ml

    € 3,20

  • Chocomel 250ml

    € 3,20

  • Hawai 250ml

    € 3,20

  • Poms 250ml

    € 3,20

  • AA Drink 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Minute Maid apple juice 330ml

    € 3,20

  • Oasis apple, blackberry and raspberry 330ml

    € 3,75

  • Oasis tropical 330ml

    € 3,75

  • Oasis strawberry and raspberry 330ml

    € 3,75

  • Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml

    Stimulates Body and Mind. Red Bull Energy Drink is appreciated by top athletes worldwide

    € 4,00

  • Red Bull Energy Drink Suikervrij 250ml

    100% wings, even without sugar. Red Bull Sugarfree is appreciated by top athletes worldwide

    € 4,00

  • Red Bull Energy Drink Peach 250ml

    € 4,50

  • Red Bull Energy Drink Apple 250ml

    € 4,50

  • Red Bull Energy Drink Sea Blue Edition 250ml

    € 4,50

  • Red Bull Energy Drink Coconut 250ml

    € 4,50

  • Red Bull Energy Drink Blueberry 250ml

    The Blue Edition tastes like fruity blueberry. Red Bull Energy Drink is appreciated by top athletes worldwide

    € 4,50

  • Red Bull Energy Drink Cactus 250ml

    The Green Edition tastes like refreshing cactus fruit. Red Bull Energy Drink is appreciated by top athletes worldwide

    € 4,50

  • Red Bull Energy Drink Apricot Strawberry 250ml

    € 4,50

  • Red Bull Energy Drink Watermelon 250ml

    The Red Edition tastes like fresh watermelon. Red Bull Energy Drink is appreciated by top athletes worldwide

    € 4,50

  • Red Bull Energy Drink Tropical Edition 250ml

    The Yellow Edition tastes exotic like tropical fruit. Red Bull Energy Drink is appreciated by top athletes worldwide

    € 4,50

  • Red Bull Energy Drink White Edition 250ml

    € 4,50

  • Maaza mango 330ml

    € 4,50

  • Maaza tropical 330ml

    € 4,50

  • Maaza lychee 330ml

    € 4,50

  • Maaza guava 330ml

    € 4,50

  • Maaza fruit punch 330ml

    € 4,50

  • Aloe vera natural 500ml

    € 4,50

  • Aloe vera lychee 500ml

    € 4,50

  • Aloe vera mango 500ml

    € 4,50

  • Aloe vera strawberry 500ml

    € 4,50

Ben & Jerry's 100ml

  • Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake 100ml

    Strawberry cheesecake ice cream filled with strawberries and thick graham cracker swirl

    € 6,49

  • Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough 100ml

    Vanilla ice cream with chunks of chocolate chip cookie dough

    € 6,49

  • Ben & Jerry's Caramel Chew Chew 100ml

    Caramel ice cream with a swirl of caramel and chocolate covered caramel chunks

    € 6,49

  • Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie 100ml

    Chocolate ice cream with chunks of chocolate fudge brownie

    € 6,49

Относно този бизнес

Часове за доставка

Затворено за доставка
Затворено за доставка
Затворено за доставка
Затворено за доставка
Затворено за доставка
Затворено за доставка
Затворено за доставка

Начин на плащане

Правна информация

Spareribs Manneke Rotterdam
Graafstroomstraat 51D
3044AP Rotterdam
Ние сме професионален търговец. Научи повече за това как ние и си поделяме отговорностите към клиентите.

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