Ranking and Recommender Systems on Thuisbezorgd.nl

What is the status of restaurants and stores listed on Thuisbezorgd.nl?

Thuisbezorgd.nl provides an online ordering and delivery platform that lists more than 15.000 professional third party restaurants and stores across Nederland, where consumers can place their orders. We ask restaurants and stores listing on our platform to provide us with their company information, and this enables us to make a declaration that they are a professional trader (and not a consumer) to the best of our knowledge. If you are in Nederland, you will find this declaration within the "info" section of each restaurant's or store's page.

Via the platform, Thuisbezorgd.nl acts as a technical intermediary allowing restaurants and stores to provide products (such as meals) for delivery and/or takeaway. The contract for the supply and purchase of the products is between consumers and the restaurant or store from which an order is placed. In some cases, Thuisbezorgd.nl is also responsible for the delivery.

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